from 3 postcards
for SATB choir
Swansea Philharmonic Choir; Jonathan Rogers (cond.) at The Brangwyn, Swansea (UK) on 13 April 2019
The idea of home has been one that regularly plays on my mind. A home may not merely be the four walls that surround you, but the people within it, the memories you share and the community that surrounds it. Home is shaped by the good and the bad. Home can be the shelter from the outside. Home for some can be a place of worship or a safe place that you hold close. Home is fluid and can be moved.
Through an excerpt of ‘LovelyUgly’ by Swansea-based poet Rebecca Lowe, I have written a work that draws an intimate idea of home – a sacred home.
Commissioned as part of Making Music UK’s Adopt-a-Composer scheme, ‘home…’ is the first work from a set of 3postcards written for the Swansea Philharmonic Choir.
SATB choir (divided)
This work was developed for Swansea Philharmonic Choir as part of the Adopt-a-Composer scheme, funded by the PRS Foundation and the Philip and Dorothy Green Music Trust, and run by Making Music UK, in partnership with Sound and Music and BBC Radio 3.
Home… To the boot blackened brushed up Sunday best Baptist, Leaning slack backed on ancient pews With limbs like a lobster, Bent into double-jointed Mumblings of worship, ‘Guide me o thou Great Jehovah Pilgrim through this…’
Excerpt from LovelyUgly by Rebecca Lowe
full version
3 postcards for satb choir (divided)