‘someone is dancing us’ with duo melus

When Katie and Jack asked for a snappy, uplifting work for their duo, I wanted to create something that perhaps reflected the ‘snappy’ or ‘uplifting’ in my own work. For some time, my most known music has been slow, delicate, and even soporific, so I wanted to dig into how I write liveliness into music. The one thing about my music tastes is that I grew up listening to EDM more than classical, and the primal sounds that thump or make us dance were my in. They still do.

This new work - someone is dancing us - is part inspired by the dance anthems of the 90s and 2000s that I love, the dances found in classical (from the Sarabande to Mathias’ own Sonatina which is featured alongside the premiere performance), and Tiffany Higgins’ Dance, Dance, While the Hive Collapses. It’s a warp of influence. A mix of references. A short look at how dances form a big part of our psychology. How sometimes we want to let go? Or stand at the side of dance floor staring inwards? Or how, in life, we are often led into a sort-of dance we never wished for to begin with.

This work was commissioned by City Music Foundation for Duo Melus.

When can i hear this being performed live?

For more information about when you can hear this in concert, please visit this webpage (link embedded)

More information about someone is dacing us

For full information about this new work, please visit this dedicated webpage. (lInk embedded)


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